Compare Invest is integrated into ‘Prefex’

When the Compare Invest comparison portal initiated by Liberty was launched over a decade ago, its success was unforeseeable. The merger on the Prefex pension platform is now accelerating its growth and helping pension customers to navigate.

You’ve come to the right place: the Compare Invest comparison portal is being integrated into “Prefex’”. Prefex stands for ‘Prévoyance, Finance and Exchange’ and was founded with the aim of bringing transparency and comparability to the pension market in order to help you as a pension customer to find the best offers.

And this is how it works: Search - Compare - Observe

Save your favorite products in a watchlist and monitor their performance.

Compare products with each other or with a benchmark value.

Save your favorite products in a watchlist and monitor their performance.

Discover now and find the best offer for you. Stay informed about the latest topics relating to retirement provision.